It's MONDAY, Georgie's favourite day of the week!

Monday, November 9, 2015

I just hafta say that I didn’t sleep all that well last night. I dunno why, but something had me so excited that I could barely sleep a wink. Eventually, I finally put two and two together and figured it out: Today is MONDAY, the day I love the best.

Somehow, even with all that excitement, I did manage to get a couple of hours of sleep, but was awakened this morning by a very loud announcement:

“It is Monday, November 9, 2015. The exact time is 8:47 a.m. Mountain Standard Time. The current outdoor temperature is a balmy 282.7056 Kelvin. Have a nice day.”

It took me a minute, but apparently, sometime in the middle of the night last night (after I fell asleep), my Illegitimate Nephew, Kevin and his Robotic iBee, Bert, moved back in to my boot box. I don’t know whose idea it was to have Bert wake me up like that, but I’m gonna find out. And as soon as I finish my third acorn cap full of morning nectar, I’m gonna ask Kevin why he came back.

So, I managed to get the first part of my story, “The Bee Who Knew Too Much”, to my Editor. I’ve been informed that it’s beeing redacted and that, sometime today, I hafta go to his office and pick up the first round of corrections. As far as I was concerned, what I gave my Editor was perfect, but as he always says to me, “I don’t beelieve in perfection, Bee. And you most certainly don’t ever need to worry about attaining it.”


Anyway, I’m gonna go do that, then find out what’s going on with Kevin.

I hope everybody has a massively superlative day!

I’ll see ya’ later!

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