Georgie finally shares his Secret...

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

I dunno how this happened, but everybody in the Hive seems to have found out about a Secret Project I’ve been working on. I don’t know how they found about all this, since I don’t remember telling anybody, but whatever. Since everybody in the Hive is buzzing about this, I might as well tell you what it is. Everybody’s gonna love this. It’s brilliant.

During this Last Part of the Hot Season, I have decided to put together what I plan to call “Georgie Bee’s Magically Amazing Kazzzzoo Band & Orchestra”.


It’s gonna bee amazing.

I’m probably gonna find less than 16, but slightly more than 14 bees (or maybee even BeePs) to join my Band, which I shall choose by holding formal auditions. I’ll bee choosing from a select group of the most talented and willing bees in the Hive, (or maybee my BeePs who know what they’re doing). And beecause I want my Band to march in the Opening Ceremonies of this year’s Bee Games, I am gonna come up with some Appropriately Designed Uniforms and Almost-Nearly-Professional Quality Kazzzzoos for every member who agrees to do this after they’ve passed the Rigorous Audition Process.

Of course, all of this is gonna take a bunch of honey to put together, so they’ll need to pay me back for all that stuff, but I’m sure just the excitement and honour of beeing in my Kazzzzoo Band will make the low, low cost of 35 pounds of honey per uniform and kazzzzoo a bargain at half the price. Or something. Of course, I’m guessing about the price on that, since I’m still trying to figure out what the Uniforms should bee. I’m thinking something simple. Something elegant and stylish. Something that’s lightweight and maybee offers some protection against anybody who might throw things at us.

All I hafta to do now is to finish deciding what the Uniforms should bee, find a bunch of kazzzzoos, do a couple Combination Rehearsal and Nectarfest, and my Kazzzzoo Band & Orchestra will bee ready to astound the swarms of bees attending this year’s Bee Games.

This is gonna bee legendary.

So today, I’m hafta start getting to work on that. There’s not all that much time left beefore the Games beegin, ya’ know?

I hope everybody has a treacherously delightful day!

I’ll see ya’ later!

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